Wednesday 22 September 2010

Target audience:
A target audience is a group of people a product is aimed at. The target audience can be aimed at gender or social class, age and occupation. he target audience is specific to each product, such as Action films are aimed at men from around the ages of 20-40, and are often aimed at young males.

The target audience for most romcoms are women, and they're usually aimed at women around the age of 20-45, as they have had life experiences and can understand and relate to what the characters are going through, whereas people who are younger have not had many life experiences will not be able to relate to the character.
I have decided that my target audience for my romcom trailer will be aimed at women, but from the ages of 18-30, and this is because I want to bring a younger demographic into the film, and I feel as it is aimed at young females it may increase the range of my audience, as younger females will be able to relate to the characters, as usually the stories in romcoms are quite mature, and usually aimed at career women. I have also decided to have this audience range as the actors in my romcom are both young, I have a young woman who will play the lead role, and she is 20, and the man is 22, and as they're this age younger people can relate, but the story of the trailer is quite mature, therefore appealing to the older women. The range is also quite a small range as I believe it makes it easier to aim your product to a small age range rather than a big one, because if I created a trailer for women around the ages of 15-50, it is too big as 15 and 50 year olds are completely opposite, they have been brought up in different times, and therefore have different culture references, and the 50 year olds have been through many life experiences, whereas 15 year olds haven't been through many, and they will not be able to relate to each other as they're completely different.

This is a type of audience research, and it defines the adult population by their occupation, and it is broken down into six different groups.

A Higher management, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals.
B Middle management, teachers, creative and media people e.g. graphic designers.
C1 Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, specialist clerical staff - white collar.
C2 Skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders - blue collar.
D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers.
E Unemployed, students, pensioners, casual workers.

This describes the audience by looking at their behaviour and personality traits, the psychographics label a particular type of person, and describes their views and spending.

Mainstreamers - Seek Security, domestic, conventional, favour value for money family brands, nearly always the largest groups.

Aspirers - Seek Status, materialistic, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion. Typically younger people, clerical sales jobs.

Succeeders - Seek Control, strong goals, confidence, work ethic and organisation. typically higher management and professionals.

Resigned - Seeks Survival, rigid and authoritarian, interested in past and tradition. Typically older people.

Explorers - Seeks Discovery, energy and experience, values difference and adventure, first to try new brands. Younger demographic-students.

Strugglers - Seeks Escape, alienated and disorganised, few resources beyond physical skills, buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets, D and E demographic.

Reformers - Seeks Enlightenment, freedom of restriction and personal growth, anti-materialistic, has attended higher education and selects products for quality.

Most romcoms are aimed at the aspirers and succeeders groups, as they are usually aimed at career women, which represents the succeeders group, and women who are into the good things in life and fashion and fun, which represents the aspirers group, and I am also aiming at these people. but I am also aiming at younger females who are in the explorers group, and the E demographic, and this is going against the conventions of romcoms as they're usually aimed at the A and B demographic.

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