Monday 13 September 2010

LIIAR of production brief:
For my brief of creating a film trailer, I had to analyse film trailers, specifically romcoms, to understand the conventions, and allow me to make a good romcom trailer.

Language: This can refer to to visual and written texts, and also can refer to the language of the moving image. The language refers to everything that we see in the trailer, the cinematography, the editing, the sound and the mise-en-scene, and it is a code that most trailers follow. I have looked at many film trailers, and analysed many romcoms, and I have found they use a range of shots, but the most common are medium shots, close-ups to see the characters faces, establishing shots so we see what is going on in the background, point of view shots, over the shoulder shots; and SRS to follow the conversation between different characters. I am following the conventions of romcoms by using these shots, close ups to see the expressions, and SRS for conversations, and I am using the others. I have also found during my research that each genre of film trailer use specific camera angles throughout their trailer, I found that in Horror films they use many high angle shots, and low angle shots, and the High angle shot makes the victim seem very vulnerable and weak, and the low angle makes the person who is hunting the victim seem powerful and strong. These shots are all used in film trailers as part of cinematography.
The mise-en-scene is specific to each genre of film trailer, and this includes costume, make-up, setting and lighting. The mise-en-scene of romcoms are usually, the costumes are usually quite smart and expensive, and this is seen in many romcoms I have seen, the female characters wear lovely dresses and clothes, that look very smart, and I have also seen that men in romcoms also wear nice clothes and sometimes suits, and this represents the audience they are attracting, as they're targeting career women, who wear these types of clothes, and have the money to buy them. The costumes of other trailers represent the genre of the film, such as the costumes in thrillers, are usually black clothes and suits, and this is also the same for crime as well. The settings also represent the specific genre, such as romcoms usually have iconic romantic features in their trailer, New York is used in many trailers, as it is romantic, and Times Square and Paris are also used a lot.
Editing is also specific to the genre of the film, and it is easy to identify the genre of trailers by the editing. I have looked at many trailers, and found that in Action films they usually involve jump cuts, and are very fast paced, as it creates suspense and excitement for the audience, and I have found that romcoms are of a slower pace, to convey the narrative and the relationships between the characters, and they also use a pan technique a lot to show the setting of the trailer, e.g. if they use New York there is usually a pan and a point of view shot to show the location, but they do also involve cuts to go between the different scenes. Film trailers use different editing techniques to create unique trailers, and to represent the genre.

The sound in film trailers is usually the characters speaking, and they use both diegetic and non-diegetic music. Most film trailers have a soundtrack on the trailer, and this music usually represents the genre, such as romcoms usually have quite upbeat indie songs, about love using artists such as Corinne Bailey Rae, and Lily Allen, as the songs by these artists represent the genre, and some films also have their own soundtrack such as Mission Impossible, and as this is an Action film, the song is very fast paced, and exciting. Also many film trailers use voice overs as a sound effect, and I have found that it is quite often male, as they have deep voices that seem to appeal to us more, and many romcoms use voice overs for the trailers, and I will also follow this convention by having a voice over on my trailer. The dialogue of the characters is usually the main sound, as it conveys the story of the film.

Institution: The institution which produce and distribute the film trailer, are usually a well known film studio, who usually have a lot of financial backing. I have found that in the trailers I have looked at they have been produced by a small film company, and a large film company, as with the large one they can put a lot of money into the trailer, and because of this can distribute it internationally. Film trailers usually have a big budget, and because of this can afford the big stars, which attract the audience, and they can use many special effects which also entice the audience. Trailers which have a lot of financial backing, and are produced and distributed by a major film company are usually the most famous and well known, such as the Harry Potter trailers, Avatar and The Terminator trailers, these are very famous and this is because they were backed by a major institution such as Universal. As I am not able to have a budget, and can not use all this technology which directors use, means I have to compete against financially backed trailers. The Institution behind the film are able to distribute it internationally as they are well known, and have the contacts to do so, which is why many trailers are backed by major institutions, as they want to reach an International audience.

Ideology: Each film trailer has a specific ideology, and the ideology is what the film represents and portrays. Romcom trailers usually represent the ideology of love, and relationships, and happily ever after, and finding your soulmate and it being lovely and great, whereas Action films represent the ideology of fighting, and police, and weapons, and death. As I am creating a romcom trailer I will also represent the ideology of love and relationships, and follow the conventions of romcoms. All types of medial language have a specific ideology, such as in music videos the ideology of Hip-Hop is wealth and bling, and getting loads of women, and the ideology of pop is usually fun, and parties, and happy, fun people. The ideology helps attract a certain type of audience to the film trailer.

Audience: The audience is specific to each genre of film trailer, as each genre has their own target audience. The target audience for romcoms are usually women, whoa are aged around 25-45, and they're also usually in careers, and have experienced what the characters are going through, and the characters in the trailer represent the audience of the film trailer. The target audience for Sport films are usually men and young men, from around the ages of 18-40, and this is because sport usually involves men, and they're the ones who watch it the most, and the age range represents the ages of men who still do sport, and therefore can relate to the characters. I am following the conventions of target audiences for romcoms, as I am also aiming at women who are in careers, but I am aiming at women from around the age of 18-35, and the female character in my trailer will represent the age range as she is 21, and the audience will be able to connect with her better than a 17 year old.

Representation: Film trailers represent the social group and audience they're attracting throughout their characters. In romcoms the female characters are usually represented as the everyday woman, as the audience can put themselves in her shoes, and she is usually represented as being smart and professional, and looking for Mr Right, and the males in romcoms I have found to be portrayed sometimes as the stereotypical bachelor, such as in 'Made of Honour', he is seen picking up women, wearing flash clothes and driving a flash car, but the characters always represent the social group of romcoms, such as being in a career, and having a bit of money. Action films also represent their audience and genre, as the main protagonists are usually men, and are very butch and muscly, and strong and this represents who they're aiming at. I am following the representation of romcoms, as I am portraying my character as a smart, career woman, and this will be represented in her clothes, her personality traits, and the story.

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